Our Prehospital Care Courses

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There is no better time to protect your staff and customers or to change careers and try something new.

Feel free to use our Staff Training Calculator to help you determine the level of training your organisation needs.

If your organisation requires Medical Training, you can either book through our website, email Training Enquires or complete this Organisation Training Form.

If you are an individual looking for a course, feel free to book through our website or register interest for a course by completing this Individual Training Form.

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This qualification forms part of the QA Prehospital Care suite of qualifications. The qualification and learning outcomes are based on the recommendations of: 

• Resuscitation Council (UK) 

• Assessment Principles for Regulated First Aid Qualifications 

• The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh – Faculty of Prehospital Care (FPHC) 

This QA qualification is: 

• For people who work or hope to work as first-response emergency care providers in various job sectors 

• Based on the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) training standard for delivery of First Aid at Work (FAW) courses for the purposes of the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 

This qualification should give Learners the knowledge and skills associated with Level D of the FPHC Pre-Hospital Emergency Medicine (PHEM) skills framework to deal with a range of prehospital emergency care situations. 

The objective of the qualification is to benefit Learners by enabling them to attain the knowledge and practical competencies needed to deal with a range of prehospital emergency care situations. 


This qualification comprises one mandatory unit (split into three components) with a Total Qualification Time (TQT) of 53 hours. This will consist of 35 hours of guided learning and 18 hours of Preparation learning, e.g. pre-course reading, research, mentored practice/work experience, and workplace induction. 

Is this course for you?

This qualification is for people who have a specific responsibility at work or in voluntary and community activities to provide prehospital care to patients requiring emergency care/treatment. It is ideal for those looking to progress their careers within the emergency services, ambulance services, and healthcare settings and supports specialist medical roles within law enforcement and security, energy and utilities, construction, and the military.

Entry requirements

Learners must be at least 17 years old on the first day of the training.

There are no other formal entry requirements but to benefit from the learning we advise that Learners have a minimum of Level 2 in literacy or equivalent and a basic understanding of first aid.


This course allows you to use a qualification gained through another awarding body as Recognised Prior Learning. So that you can attend a shortened course and gain QA LEVEL 3 FIRST RESPONSE EMERGENCY CARE RQL qualification

This qualification forms part of the QA Prehospital Care suite of qualifications. The qualification and learning outcomes are based on the recommendations of: 

• Resuscitation Council (UK) 

• Assessment Principles for Regulated First Aid Qualifications 

• The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh – Faculty of Prehospital Care (FPHC) 

This QA qualification is: 

• For people who work or hope to work as first-response emergency care providers in various job sectors 

• Based on the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) training standard for delivery of First Aid at Work (FAW) courses for the purposes of the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 

This qualification should give Learners the knowledge and skills associated with Level D of the FPHC Pre-Hospital Emergency Medicine (PHEM) skills framework to deal with a range of prehospital emergency care situations. 

The objective of the qualification is to benefit Learners by enabling them to attain the knowledge and practical competencies needed to deal with a range of prehospital emergency care situations. 


This qualification comprises one mandatory unit (split into three components) with a Total Qualification Time (TQT) of 33 hours. This will consist of 15 hours of guided learning and 18 hours of Preparation learning, e.g. pre-course reading, research, mentored practice/work experience, and workplace induction. 

Is this course for you?

This qualification is for people who have a specific responsibility at work or in voluntary and community activities to provide prehospital care to patients requiring emergency care/treatment. It is ideal for those looking to progress their careers within the emergency services, ambulance services, and healthcare settings and supports specialist medical roles within law enforcement and security, energy and utilities, construction, and the military.

Entry requirements

Learners must be at least 17 years old on the first day of the training.

You must have one of the accepted qualifications listed that would allow you to be registered for the FREC 3 Recognised Prior Learning course route


This qualification forms part of the QA Prehospital Care suite of qualifications. The qualification and learning outcomes are based on the recommendations of:

• Resuscitation Council (UK)

• Skills for Health Assessment Principles for Qualifications that Assess Occupational Competence

• Faculty of Prehospital Care (RCS Ed)

This QA qualification is:

• For people who work as emergency care providers in various healthcare settings who would be expected to assess patients using a variety of methods, including physiological measures, and be able to act on their findings

• Based on skill set E of the prehospital provider competencies, the Faculty of Prehospital Care RCS Ed framework

This qualification should give Learners an intermediate level of prehospital care knowledge and clinical practice to handle various prehospital care situations.

The objective of the qualification is to benefit Learners by enabling them to attain the knowledge and practical competencies needed to deal with a range of prehospital emergency and urgent situations. The qualification is designed to prove the Learner has undergone a programme of learning and assessment to demonstrate competency in prehospital care to gain employment and a ‘licence to practise’ from an employer.


This qualification comprises one mandatory unit (split into three components) with a Total Qualification Time (TQT) of 180 hours. This will consist of 39 hours of guided learning and 141 hours of Preparation learning, e.g., pre-course reading, research, mentored practice/work experience, and workplace induction.

Is this course for you?

This qualification is for people with a specific responsibility at work or in voluntary and community activities to provide prehospital care to patients requiring emergency and urgent care/treatment. It is ideal for those looking to progress their careers within the NHS or private ambulance services as an emergency care assistant, intermediate ambulance practitioner, event medical provider, associate practitioner, or healthcare assistant. It supports specialist medical roles within the military, police and fire services.

Entry requirements

Learners must be at least 18 years old on the first training day.

Learners must hold a valid (in date) Qualsafe Level 3 Award in First Response Emergency Care (RQF) or a valid (in date) Qualsafe First Response Emergency Care (Level 3 RQF) qualification or a QA recognised equivalent

There are no other formal entry requirements but to benefit from the learning we advise that Learners have a minimum of Level 2 in literacy or equivalent.


This qualification forms part of the QA Prehospital Care suite of qualifications. The qualification and learning outcomes are based on the guidance of: 

• Resuscitation Council (UK) 

• Skills for Health Assessment Principles 

• The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh – Faculty of Prehospital Care 

• Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) 

This QA qualification is for people who work as emergency care providers in various emergency care settings. They would be expected to assess patients, administer medication, and monitor the effects of the medication. 

Learners should be able to demonstrate the practical administration of safe, prompt, effective medication delivery with an understanding of the role of a medication provider. 


This qualification contains one mandatory unit with a Total Qualification Time (TQT) of 30 hours. This will consist of 14 hours of guided learning and 16 hours of Preparation learning, e.g., pre-course reading, research, mentored practice/work experience, and workplace induction.

Is this course for you?

This qualification is for Learners who are employed by a Care Quality Commission (CQC) registered organisation (or overseas equivalent) and have a specific responsibility to safely administer and monitor the effects of certain lifesaving medications within their scope of practice. 

Typical roles may include: 

• Ambulance technician 

• Associate practitioner 

• Medical technician 

• Assistant practitioner

Entry requirements

Learners must:

• Be at least 18 years old on the first day of the training


• Be employed by a CQC registered organisation (or overseas equivalent)


• Have successfully completed the Qualsafe Level 4 Certificate in First Response Emergency Care (RQF) or a QA recognised equivalent.

There are no other formal entry requirements but to benefit from the learning we advise that Learners have a minimum of Level 2 in literacy and numeracy or equivalent.


This qualification forms part of the QA Prehospital Care suite of qualifications. The qualification and learning outcomes are based on the recommendations of: 

• Resuscitation Council UK 

• Joint Royal Colleges Ambulance Liaison Committee (JRCALC) Clinical Practice Guidelines 

• Skills for Health and Health Education England Core Skills Training Framework (CSTF) 

• Faculty of Prehospital Care (FPHC) Prehospital Emergency Medicine (PHEM) Framework 

This qualification is for healthcare professionals, emergency care providers, ambulance care support workers, or associate practitioners who respond to out-of-hospital emergencies or life-threatening incidents. It contains learning content that explicitly addresses the CSTF Level 1, 2, and 3 Adult Immediate Life Support outcomes. 


This qualification comprises one mandatory unit with a Total Qualification Time (TQT) of 10 hours. This will consist of 7 hours of guided learning and 3 hours of Preparation learning, e.g., pre-course reading, research, mentored practice/work experience, and workplace induction.

Is this course for you?

This qualification is for people with a specific responsibility at work or in voluntary and community activities to provide out-of-hospital emergency care to patients requiring emergency and urgent care. It is relevant to those working as emergency care providers, ambulance support workers or associate ambulance practitioners, registered healthcare professionals, and those in specialist roles within the emergency services and military. 

Entry requirements

Learners must be at least 18 years of age at the start of the training.

This qualification is designed for people who have been trained in clinical skills (at/or above level E on the PHEM framework) and factual and theoretical knowledge in broad contexts within a field of work. They have a scope of practice and are guided by standard operating procedures, protocols, or systems of work but can make decisions relating to patient care.

Learners must have successfully completed a Qualsafe Level 4 Certificate in First Response Emergency Care (RQF) or higher qualification or clinical grade, e.g. registered Nurse, Paramedic or Allied Healthcare Professional working in the out of hospital care/prehospital environment.


This qualification forms part of the QA Prehospital Care qualifications. It will give the Learner the knowledge and understanding to administer emergency medical gases in a prehospital care setting. 

The qualification and learning outcomes are based on the recommendations of: 

• Resuscitation Council (UK) 

• Assessment Principles for First Aid Qualifications 

• The British Thoracic Society 

• UK Ambulance Services Clinical Practice Guidelines (JRCALC) 

Learners should be able to demonstrate the safe and prompt administration of and effective use of emergency medical gases when providing emergency treatment and/or management in prehospital care situations. 


This qualification comprises two mandatory units with a Total Qualification Time (TQT) of 10 hours. This will consist of 6 hours of guided learning and 4 hours of Preparation learning, e.g. pre-course reading, research, mentored practice/work experience, and workplace induction.

Is this course for you?

This QA qualification is for people who have a specific responsibility to be able to safely administer and monitor the effects of emergency medical gases within their scope of practice in a prehospital environment. This includes (but is not limited to) the following roles/personnel: 

• First aider operating in a high-risk workplace such as: 

– in welding, flame cutting and similar processes 

– for helping people with breathing difficulties 

– in hyperbaric chambers as a medical treatment 

– for food preservation and packaging 

– in steelworks and chemical plants 

• Community first responders 

• Fire, police and other emergency services personnel

Entry requirements

Learners must be at least 16 years old on the first training day.

Before they can register for this qualification, Learners must have:

• Successfully completed a Level 3 First Aid at Work (QCF/RQF) (FAW) or QA recognised equivalent,


• Knowledge/awareness of an automated external defibrillator (AED) if it isn’t incorporated into the FAW

There are no other formal entry requirements, but to benefit from the learning, we advise that learners have a minimum level 2 in literacy or equivalent and a basic understanding of first aid.


This qualification forms part of the QA Prehospital Care suite of qualifications. The qualification and learning outcomes are based on the recommendations of: 

• National Occupational Standards for Learning and Development 

• National Occupational Standards for Coaching and Mentoring 

• Principles of Supporting Learning and Assessment in Practice 

This QA qualification is for people mentoring ambulance or emergency services personnel. It provides Learners with the knowledge, understanding and skills to effectively support, mentor, guide and judge occupational skills, knowledge and professionalism in the mentee’s working environment. 


This qualification comprises one mandatory unit with a Total Qualification Time (TQT) of 105 hours. This will consist of 21 hours of guided learning and 84 hours of Preparation learning, e.g. pre-course reading, research, mentored practice/work experience, and workplace induction.

Is this course for you?

This qualification is for experienced ambulance and emergency services personnel mentoring trainees or colleagues in the workplace. It is ideal for mentors whose mentees are working towards qualifications where mentored practice is required, e.g., the Qualsafe Level 5 Diploma in First Response Emergency and Urgent Care (RQF) or the Qualsafe Level 6 Diploma in Paramedic Practice (RQF). It supports those looking to progress their careers within the ambulance and emergency services as a mentor, supervisor or team leader responsible for supporting learning and development.

Entry requirements

Learners must be at least 18 years of age at the start of the training and be occupationally competent in the area they are mentoring.

To generate evidence of mentoring to complete this qualification, Learners must have access to a minimum of 1 mentee:

• Registered on and working towards a qualification or

• Who requires support in their workplace There are no other formal entry requirements but to benefit from the learning we advise:

• A minimum of 1 year experience in the area they will be mentoring

• A minimum of Level 2 in literacy or equivalent

Book Your Course NOW!

There is no better time to protect your staff and customers or to change careers and try something new.

Feel free to use our Staff Training Calculator to help you determine the level of training your organisation needs.

If your organisation requires Medical Training, you can either book through our website, email Training Enquires or complete this Organisation Training Form.

If you are an individual looking for a course, feel free to book through our website or register interest for a course by completing this Individual Training Form.

Protect, Change and challenge yourself.

Book a course today with Medixis Healthcare.