Our Education and Training Courses

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There is no better time to start teaching, change careers, and try something new.
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This qualification forms part of the QA Education and Training suite of qualifications. This qualification and learning outcomes are based on the recommendations of:
• National Occupational Standards for Learning and Development
• 2022 Professional Standards for Teachers and Trainers in Education and Training
This QA qualification is designed to provide Trainee Trainers with an introduction to teaching/training in the further education and skills sector. It is a knowledge-based teaching qualification with no minimum teaching practice requirement. Therefore, it may be undertaken by individuals not currently in a teaching or training role.
This qualification contains two mandatory units and 1 unit from the optional units available on the course. This qualification has a Total Qualification Time (TQT) of 120 hours. This will consist of 48 or 35 hours of guided learning, depending on the optional unit, and 72 hours of Preparation learning, e.g. pre-course reading, research, mentored practice/work experience, and workplace induction. Trainee Trainers must complete all assessments in all mandatory units and the assessments from the chosen optional unit successfully within the registration period to achieve the qualification. The maximum period to achieve this qualification, including any referrals, is 12 months.
Is this course for you?
This qualification provides an introduction to teaching for individuals who would like to work or currently work in the further education and skills sector, e.g. Further Education (FE) College, Independent Training Providers and or Local Authorities. Trainee Trainers might include:
• Individuals not currently teaching or training
• Individuals currently teaching and training, including those new to the profession
• Individuals currently working as Assessors who want to achieve a qualification that provides an introduction to teaching
Entry requirements
On the first day of the training, Trainee Trainers must be at least 19 years old. There are no other formal entry requirements, but to benefit from the learning, we advise that Trainee Trainers consider a subject for delivery and hold the relevant qualifications and/or experience in their chosen area of expertise.
We advise that Trainee Trainers have a minimum of Level 2 in English. If Trainee Trainers do not have Level 2 in English, they should record their development needs and agree an action plan to address them.

Book Your Course NOW!
There is no better time to start teaching, change careers, and try something new.
Go book a course now, or feel free to email Training Enquires for future dates
Change and challenge yourself
Book a course today with Medixis Healthcare