Mentoring Ambulance and Emergency Services Personnel
This regulated and nationally recognised qualification has been designed to give learners the knowledge and skills to support, mentor and guide a mentee within the ambulance and emergency services sector.
Entry requirements
Learners must be at least 18 years of age at the start of the training and be occupationally competent in the area they are mentoring.
To generate evidence of mentoring to complete this qualification, Learners must have access to a minimum of 1 mentee:
• Registered on and working towards a qualification or
• Who requires support in their workplace There are no other formal entry requirements but to benefit from the learning we advise:
• A minimum of 1 year experience in the area they will be mentoring
• A minimum of Level 2 in literacy or equivalent
Book Your Course NOW!
There is no better time to protect your staff and customers or to change careers and try something new.
Feel free to use our Staff Training Calculator to help you determine the level of training your organisation needs.
If your organisation requires Medical Training, you can either book through our website, email Training Enquires or complete this Organisation Training Form.
If you are an individual looking for a course, feel free to book through our website or register interest for a course by completing this Individual Training Form.
Protect, Change and challenge yourself.